Russian Soups
Soup is one of the most important meals in Russia and mostly you will find that the Russian soups are very important to the Russians and they are usually served in the afternoon. There are very many kinds of Russian soups and if you were to put them in a list it will turn to be one endless list. Among some of the Russian soups that will be mentioned borsch is very famous compared to the other Russian soups which is made of beef and meat and it is normally served with sour cream. You will also come across vegetable soups which are referred to as shei.
This vegetable soups are usually made from vegetables an there ingredients will include potatoes, cabbages and meat. On top of that all you will also come across a specification that is normally referred to as the shei postnie. Note that this type of soup is the same as the one that was earlier mentioned. The only difference with shei postnie is that meat is part of the ingredient. Russian soups will also include soups that are made from fish. The perfect example is the one that is called the Uha or the fish soup. This is a one of kind soup that the recipe will include a lot of spice mixed with carrots and potatoes.
Among the variety of Russian soups, you will also find a soup in the Russian menu that is called Kuryniy soup which can also be translated as chicken soup, with the long lasting winters in Russia, the heartwarming cuisine of the Russian soups that will keep you warm and serve as a wonderful substitution for those who do not prefer vodka. It is normally served with rye bread which is constituted as the Russian mainstay diet. It’s an ethnic soup that is made from a thin vegetable broth and flavored with herbs for the thickening of the stew that is rick in vegetable and chicken meat.
Grybnoy soup which can also be referred to as mushroom soup and is also found in the menus of the Russian soups, it has a total of up to 13 different ingredients that are included in the recipe of the soup. It is normally made by adding the fresh mushrooms in to cold water for about one to two hours with continuously changing the water three to four times. In the event that the mushrooms will be dry, you will be forced to boil them one 1 1/2 hours and so on. This Russian soup is normally served with a cold or hot sour cream.
Okroshka is a vegetable soup that is made from either meat or sausages. You will find that most people will find it very refreshing on a hot sunny day because it is normally served directly from the fridge after its preparation. It is served with sour cream and chopped dill. It should be known that all the above soups add health to your body.